Holly Bobo, a 20 year old student from Darden, TN was reported missing on the night of April 13, 2011. Police believe that Holly may have been abducted from her home in Decatur County, TN around 7:30 that morning by a man wearing camouflage. Holly’s neighbor, as well as her brother who was inside her house at the time, both called 911 when they heard Holly outside screaming early that morning. Bobo’s brother saw the man drag Holly through a carport beside the house and into the woods not too far off behind the home. Last seen outside her one story home 100 miles northeast of Memphis, police are still searching for what they believe could have been a premeditated abduction. Authorities recovered items such as Holly’s cell phone and her lunch bag, which were still intact at her house during the investigation, but police have no leads as to where she might have been taken.
The suspect is described as a male, approximately 6’0” tall, about 200 pounds and wearing camouflage. Background on Holly Bobo
Holly was a nursing student and also the cousin of country music singer, Whitney Duncan. Investigators believe this abduction was planned because of the geographical area Holly’s house was located in. Since the house was located in a heavily wooded area, police think it must have been someone who knew Holly, knew her routine and knew how to get around her property.
Description of Holly Bobo
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Physical: Pierced ears,
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Last Seen: Wearing pink shirt and light colored jeans
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Holly Bobo, please contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation 615-744-4000
Alexis Mills is a Volunteer for the MissingPersonsNetwork.org and a recent graduate of Purdue University
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Police say Samantha Koenig, 18 year old from Anchorage, AK disappeared from her place of business around 8pm Wednesday, February 1, 2012. Samantha worked as a barista at a popular coffee shop at a busy intersection. Police say Samantha was on camera being forced to leave the coffee shop by a man dressed in all black, but are unsure if this was the same man Samantha had filed for a restraining order against earlier this year.
It is believed that the man was armed, and headed toward the Old Seward Highway. Samantha’s boyfriend, Dwayne, had planned on picking her up that night when she got off work at 8pm, but was held up by his own job, states her father. Along with Samantha missing, so was the money that had been in the cash drawers that evening.
Melanie Ornelas, Common Grounds barista, said that when she arrived in the morning, it was apparent that no one had cleaned, but it did not immediately raise any concerns. She noticed that Samantha’s things were still in her cubby in the back and she had left a note asking if she was scheduled to work that Saturday.
Background on Samantha Koenig
Determined to get a job, James Koenig Jr, Samanatha’s father, stated that he did not want her to work there in the first place. He wanted her to explore other options such as nursing or veterinary school, as they had previously talked about. Keonig also says that Samantha had filed for a restraining order against a man that she did not know for very long, but then was scared to show up to the court date for fear of he might do something. Samantha had only worked at the coffee shops for a few months before she went missing. Co-workers describe her personality as bubbly and energetic.
Rewards have been offered. Description of Samantha Koenig
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Complexion: Medium
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
If you have any information please call the Anchorage Police Dept. at 907-786-8900.
Alexis Mills is a Volunteer for the MissingPersonsNetwork.org and a recent graduate of Purdue University
Morgan Johnson, a 27 year-old African American male, was last seen at the Value Place Hotel off of Gateway Drive in Plainfield, IN. Mr. Johnson’s previous history of seizures has created much concern for his family because his medication was not on his person, and without it he would require immediate medical attention. Further, Johnson disappeared on the same day his grandfather died, but his family believes although very distraught, Johnson would never miss his grandfather’s funeral Background on Morgan Johnson
Morgan Johnson is originally from Terre Haute where his mother still resides and had recently moved to Indianapolis. Morgan was an employee at Brightpoint, a wholesale distributor in Plainfield. It was believed that Johnson had not yet found a permanent residence, and had been temporarily staying at the hotel in an effort to save money. Description of Morgan Johnson
Gender: Male
Race: Black
Weight: 155
Height: 5’10”
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Last Seen: May 18, 2011 Value Place Hotel, Plainfield, IN
If you have any information, please contact the Plainfield Police Department at (317) 838-3562
19 year old Miguel Scott went missing from Evergreen Park in Bremerton, WA at approximately 10pm on the night of October 27, 2011. Scott had allegedly been at the park with some friends, who report the last time they saw him was around 10pm that night.
Scott’s mother, Rosemarie Herrera, stated that Miguel had never run away before and she doesn’t think he would, as he had plans to finish school and enter into the Navy. Miguel’s mother also said she had heard rumors that Miguel might be in debt to some people, but that it was never proven.
Friends said when they last saw Miguel, he was in good spirits. Cell phone records indicate his last usage was at 6:56pm the night of October 27, and that he has not logged into Facebook as he would normally do daily.
Rewards have been offered.
Anyone with any information regarding Mr. Scott’s disappearance or if anyone sees him they are urged to contact the Bremerton Police Department at (360) 473-5220
Description of Miguel Scott
Gender: Male
Race: Asian
Age: 19
Physical: Jaw wired shut due to recent surgery, scar on left side of his chin
Alexis Mills is a Volunteer for the MissingPersonsNetwork.org and a recent graduate of Purdue University
Kevin King, a 58 year old man suffering from multiple mental and medical issues, disappeared from his residence in Gilford, NH on June 9, 2011. King suffers from confusion and dementia, as well as hearing loss and also diabetes. King’s niece, a resident of Manchester, NH, reported him missing and noted that his vehicle and wallet are accounted for.
King is believed to have left his residence on foot, and is thought to be near Old Lakeshore Road in Gilford, NH.
If you have any information, please contact the Gilford Police Department at (603) 527-4737
Description of Kevin King
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 180